Monday, December 6, 2010

Joe Jonas Owns Keys to Ashley's Place

First comes meeting, then some brunch, then comes love…and now comes the apartment key exchange. That’s right, BFFs, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene’s romance continues full steam ahead!

In Touch is reporting that Ashley has given Joe a set of keys to her West Hollywood apartment. A source reveals to the mag that, “Joe comes and goes as he pleases now. He’s there even when Ashley isn’t home.”
Though her building is guarded by a doorman, it appears the 21-year-old Jo Bro has no issues getting access to his lovely lady’s home. “It takes 10 seconds for you to realize they’re in love,” claims the insider.
Joe and Ashley seem to be speeding along just fine, and since rumors are running rampant about their engagement, this recent development on their relationship should only add fuel to the fire.


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