Monday, November 8, 2010

Michael Lohan to Demi Lovato's Dad: 'Shut Up About Your Daughter'

Despite receiving death threats, Demi Lovato's estranged father Patrick Lovato refuses to back down from his controversial comments -- blaming the temptations of Hollywood for his Disney star daughter's stint in rehab.

"This is the United States of America, I can talk anytime I want to," Patrick told RadarOnline when asked if Disney's lawyers and Demi's mother, Dianna, had demanded that he stop talking about his daughter's problems.

Patrick's relationship with Demi has been strained since he and Dianna divorced in 1994 and has only gotten worse. Now, Michael Lohan, who has a long track record of talking to the media about his own daughter, is offering advice from one dad to another.

"There are two reasons why I have no respect for people who talk or comment about others," Michael tells me. "First, it's because, in most cases, those individuals are looking from the outside in, and they are passing judgment or commenting on people they know nothing about. The second reason is because they are too cowardly to say it to the person themselves."

And Mr. Lovato better think twice before comparing Demi and Lindsay, Lohan warns.

"I ask Demi Lavato's father to refrain from making asinine statements about my daughter, or say it to my face himself," Lohan says. "And if so, I will pay for the transportation and his hospital bills."


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