Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Selena Gomez, "I’m fully aware of my audience"

What are your birthday plans? my family and are going to cook and hang out! What are you most excited to do as an 'adult'?

haha nothing. My step dad says nothing will change! HA Who in Hollywood is like a big sister to you? uh, well I look up to a lot of actresses. One would be Kate Winslet! What would you do today if there was no tomorrow? tell my family how much I love them and then go skydiving.

Orlando Sentinel interview: 'I’m 18, but younger than that at heart. I’m not going to do anything that I’m not comfortable doing. I’m fully aware of my audience. I may hope and dream of having an older audience some day, for my film and TV work and my music. But now, the people who have been with me over the past four years are these seven to 15 year olds who have given me my job.

If a little girl tells her mom, ‘I want to see the new Selena Gomez movie’ or ‘buy the new Selena Gomez CD,’ I would hope their parents could say, ‘Absolutely,' without having to second-guess it or second guess me. So there’s a transition coming. I’m just not there yet.'

Thanks OceanUp

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